8 Bit Underground

Archive for May, 2016

.: bulk user deletion

by on May.14, 2016, under Other

2341E24000000578-0-image-3_1416293066850My apologies to the few users who were legitimate – but I had 6000 users and I’m pretty sure about 2 or 3 were legit so I bulk deleted.. Please re-create your user and make sure you post at least one item so I can filter you out if this occurs again…

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.: when pigs fly…

by on May.11, 2016, under Other

Things ha:flying pigppen in life. Mine has been a roller coaster of ups and downs and mostly self-inflicted damages that have often been difficult to recover from. Recover we do though (or we die – and that may happen later..) and this post is evidence of a bit of recovery.

8bitunderground is once again back.. I have been collecting hardware again and have new plans for some of the plans I already had… Plans within plans as they say.

Not really sure I want to run any forums this time.. I think the niche of this blog is such that full blown forums will always be overkill. I will be a bit more chatty this time though and I’m not sure I want to litter the blog with random blabbering or not. So we shall see in the coming days/weeks if there is a go between that I could connect to the blog and allow for a bit more 2way discussion than the blog allows for now – and also without cluttering the important stuff.

That’s all for now – but not for long.


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