Tag: general
.: 2020
by root on Apr.23, 2020, under Other

welcome to not only 2020, but also welcome to warm weather 2020 which will surely also lead to miserable heat and potentially deadly thunderstorms. just my kind of weather.
some things have transpired over the past year or so in a positive manner as far as subjects relevant to the 8bitunderground. first of all discord and reddit have both been good places to meet like minded folks – search and ye shall find!
wardialers.org has gotten a few cosmetic/organizational updates this month and i will be adding more items to it in a big way. with covid-19 keeping us all at home i figured i will take the time to update 8bu related things so here we are. i’m very hopeful that 2020 will find me in a mindset to really get wardialers fleshed out with content and also hope the blog will be a bit more updated over the coming year as compared to the previous. all of you can help immensely by dropping me feedback.
so for now…
— eat your cereal with a fork, and do your homework in the dark.